HunterPLN for Educators
Thu, 12 Mar
|The Owen's Collective
Networking meet up for teachers and pre-service students across the Hunter region - 5 great speakers and a group of like minded colleagues!

Time & Location
12 Mar 2020, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The Owen's Collective, 101 Maitland Rd, Islington NSW 2296, Australia
About the Event
The HunterPLN for Educators event will host 5 educators and industry experts, who will share their learning journey and provide practical advice and innovative ideas to use back in your classroom. Our goal is to provide teachers with the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the hunter region and share ideas through the lens of Papert's constructionist learning theory charged with his call to action of Passion, Projects , Play and Peers. Term 1s event highlights Maths and Science across primary and secondary Classrooms